NO WAY!!! We prefer to put your home and pets safety along with ours FIRST! Magnets, logos or advertising of any kind is very dangerous. Pet Sitters who use those are letting potential burglars know that you are not home and to come on in! Pet Sitters Insurance does not cover any burglaries if the company advertises in that way. If you have a pet sitter who does this, you should seriously consider switching to a pet sitter who cares about your ‘fur-babies’ and home more than obtaining a new client that way. Always Happy Tails grows due to word of mouth and such satisfied clients, speaking of which, tell your friends and family about us!
Happy Tails FAQ's
Always Happy Tails treats your pet(s) and your home as if they were our own. We love on your babies, let them out to potty, feed, water and exercise. We give tons of cuddles and love and your pets will be thrilled you hired a pet sitter so they get to stay home and chill on their own couch! We also give medication if needed. There will be a daily log that is completely every time your home is entered. We perform any house duties that need to be done such as; mail, newspaper, water plants, rotate lights and blinds and anything else you may need. Just ask!
Pet Sitting is an alternative to boarding in which your pet(s) get to stay in their own environment and have a pet sitter come and take excellent care of them. They get to stay in their own home where the sight, sounds and smells say “home!” The pet sitter will come over on the agreed care plan for your little ones. This reduces stress while their ‘parents’ are away and also eliminates the possibility of diseases, parasites and kennel cough that could be contacted while boarding at a kennel. Other HUGE benefits are: your house is watched over, your mail, newspapers and packages are brought in – giving the ‘live in’ look along with your lights and blinds being rotated. You get to save the life of your plants because those are watered as well. If you have a pool, general maintenance on that…
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in dui mauris. Vivamus hendrerit arcu sed erat molestie vehicula. Sed auctor neque eu tellus rhoncus ut eleifend nibh porttitor. Ut in nulla enim. Phasellus molestie magna non est bibendum non venenatis nisl tempor. Suspendisse dictum feugiat nisl ut dapibus mauris iaculis.
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